Yu-Gi-Oh! Card

I was looking through my brothers Yu-Gi-Oh! cards to see if I can sell any of them, I saw some good ones like Red Eyes Darkness Dragon and The Great Winged Dragon of Ra. Then I came across a card that was very odd. It had no name and its Attack and Defense was 6. The Serial Number was 0. The Card Year was 1966. It was a Beast/Effect card and the description was '...' This was weird. The picture was a Girl who had looked like she had been possessed. The card type was Dark. I ignored it for a bit. Then I looked back to it. I scanned the card in my scanner, and came up with this:
[image wasn't archived]
I edited the picture in Paint to cut out all of the black background of the scanner. I studied the card for a bit to find out Yu-Gi-Oh! was created in 1997, not 1966. That was odd. I showed the card to my brother and he had no memory of it. I took up the card to a near-by Comics And Cards store and they kicked me out and said they didn't want anything to do with me or my card.
I guessed the card was possessed. I threw it in the garbage and went to bed. Later that night I awoke to a weird gurgling sound coming from downstairs. I went downstairs to find the card laying in the middle of my living room. Wow, I thought, My brother is playing a trick on me. I yelled, 'Goddammit, Roger! Stop fucking with me!' My parents were in a deep sleep and luckily didn't hear me, Roger, my brother, woke up and said, 'What?' I replied, 'This! You got it out of the garbage and put it here just to fuck with me!' He answered,
'What? What is that card anyway?'
'Stop lying! You know what this card is!'
'No I really don't. Looks fucked up.'
'Yah, I mean why would I scare my bro with a card I never even seen before in my life?' Ha, good night.'
He went to bed. I still didn't believe him. The gurgling noise turned out to be my cat.
I woke up in the morning to find the card in my pocket, my brother must of planted it there, I thought. I walked down the steps.
'Roger! Really? AGAIN?'
'You put this in my pocket! I know you did!'
'What? You must of.'
'No! I put it back in the trash! You did it!'
'No? What the heck man, why would I mess with you over a stupid card.'
'Okay, I guess I can trust you.'
I threw the card out. The Trashmen came and took it away. I saw them take it away, so now Roger won't fuck with me again. Later that day my brother went out to play in some stupid Yu-Gi-Oh! tournament in the mall. I went up to my room to play some XBOX when I saw the card laying on the system with a copy of my brother's Yu-Gi-Oh! Game in the console. WOW. Now I started to get creeped out. I took out the stupid game and broke it in half and I also ripped the card in half. I actually ripped the card into little time pieces. I play Modern Warfare 2 until Dinner. Roger was crying about the game. I was laughing inside.
Later that night I went up to my bed. I found the CARD on my bed with tape all around it. I heard a creepy voice echo, 'Come and play....' I shouted, 'NO!' And threw on my covers and went to bed.
I was awoke at 2:00AM to see Roger staring at me with a blank expression.
'AHH! What the fuck man?'
No answer.
'What's going on with you?'
Roger then grabbed me and threw me down the stairs, I got a broken leg from that...
After I recovered, I talked to Roger for the first time since the incident.
'Roger? Why?'
'You broke my fricken leg!'
'No, you fell down the stairs, you must of suffered from Head Trauma or something...'
'NO! You threw me down the stairs! Remember?'
'No, I was asleep when it happened.'
'BOB SAGET! What's going on? Ever since that card...'
'This card?' Roger held up the card.
'You showed me it before you fell. You said, 'Have this card. Come play Yu-Gi-Oh! with me!' and I said No. I'll take the card though...And fell back asleep.'
'Really? I don't remember that.'
'Yup. That's what happened, then you fell.'